Strategy | Tactics | Solution:Embarking on a self-initiated project, I took on the task of revamping the Unison Health Plan brand elements. Having previously served as Art Director for the account at SNS Marketing, the desire to reimagine the logo lingered within me, and I decided to bring it to fruition.
My vision was to incorporate a more contemporary feel, accompanied by a symbol radiating happiness and wellness, while simultaneously evoking feelings of comfort and trust. To enhance this, I opted for a soothing color palette featuring a “blue spruce” color, connoting comfort, stability, and a sense of health and nurturing. The final touch involved a gentle infusion of light lavender to craft a mosaic design.
The original tagline, “The care that starts with you.” penned by Creative Director Tom Daniel, remained a cherished aspect of the brand’s positioning. For this exercise, I condensed it to “Care starts with you,” transforming it into a standalone branding mark. This, in conjunction with the mosaic symbol and the Unison Health lockup, contributed to the overall visual identity.
The logo mark, a fusion of two infinity symbols interlocked in perpetual harmony, embodies the synergy of health care and managed care, preventative care and curative care, etc. The merchandise was thoughtfully designed to serve as a daily reminder that Unison is a trustworthy partner for one’s health and wellness journey.